High Outdoor Education
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
1 segment/18 weeks
Earliest Start Date
February 2025
As students progress through this course, they will participate in a variety of outdoor physical activities and journal about those activities. While participating in outdoor physical activities, students will develop an understanding of the benefits of physical activity and how it relates to a healthy lifestyle. Through the completion of coursework and outdoor experience, students will learn respect for wildlife and their habitat while focusing on safety.
The Outdoor Education course offers two unique opportunities. One unique opportunity is earning a Florida Boating Safety Education ID Card by successfully completing the boating coursework. The second unique opportunity is earning the right to enter a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Field Day event upon successfully completing the hunting coursework.
Access the site link below to view the Florida Department of Education description and standards:
Course description:
Besides engaging students in challenging curriculum, the course guides students to reflect on their learning and evaluate their progress through a variety of assessments. Assessments can be in the form of practice lessons, multiple choice questions, writing assignments, projects, research papers, oral assessments, and discussions. This course will use the state-approved grading scale. Each course contains a mandatory final exam or culminating project that will be weighted at 20% of the student’s overall grade.***
***Proctored exams can be requested by FLVS at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. When taking the exam to assess a student’s integrity, the exam must be passed with at least a 59.5% in order to earn credit for the course.
Courses subject to availability.
Pursuant to s. 1002.20, F.S.; A public school student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.42(3). Learn more about the process and which courses contain subject matter where an exemption request can be made.