School & District Solutions
Supporting Schools & Districts for 25+ Years
Innovative education tools—built by educators, for educators. With a variety of flexible and full time online learning options, Florida Virtual School (FLVS) provides Kindergarten-12th grade school partners and district leaders with comprehensive and effective digital courses, unparalleled customer support, and the training they need to help students reach new heights.
Ensure that you are providing your students the best online learning experience by partnering with Florida Virtual School.
How We Can Help You
At the heart of student success are educators empowered with the tools and training they need to drive better student outcomes. Here’s how we can help you.
School & District Resources
Our District Resources provide Florida school counselors and administrators with helpful information and tools to help students succeed.
View Resources
Digital Learning Labs
Meet every student’s needs with digital courses that can be seamlessly integrated within the Learning Management System (LMS) of your choice.
Learn about Digital Learning Labs
County Virtual Schools
Use your own district teachers with our courses, student support, and teacher training.
View Participating Schools
Digital Course Licensing
Meet every student’s needs with digital courses that can be seamlessly integrated within the Learning Management System (LMS) of your choice.
View Course Licensing Options
200+ Digital Courses
Seamlessly implemented across various online learning platforms
25+ Years of Experience
Supporting Kindergarten-12th grade schools and districts across the state
230,000+ Semester Completions
In FLVS-supported County Virtual Schools across the state of Florida
275+ Digital Learning Labs
That allow students to integrate FLVS online courses into their school schedule

Scholarship Recipients
Do you have students applying for, being awarded, or intending to apply for a school choice scholarship?
Scholarship recipients enrolled in FLVS courses may be responsible for tuition and direct payment to Florida Virtual School. (Note: Charges will apply to courses the student is enrolled in and/or registered for at the time the scholarship becomes effective.)